This is not an issue with this company. Distributor fees are annual, not monthly. This confirms for me that the company does want everyone to succeed. And this not a new company. It's been in business for enough years to have already built itself from being a novelty to increaasing in popularity. The next step is "household name" and it will be there very soon.
When I presented this to someone recently, she said that she felt that the billionaire behind this company was going to take her money. I restrained myself from asking why she thought that he would need her money. Instead, I told her that she was right to be cautious because there have been MLM companies that made their money by selling training materials, but this is not one of them. I pointed out that this company operates exactly like the big, well known companies that are not scams: Mary Kay, Amway, Herbalife, Avon, Stanley Home Products and more.
I probably won't approach this person again. As my upline and I recently discussed, if someone doesn't have vision and can't see the opportunity now, they'll never see it. My goal is to build a team, and I really don't want anyone on my team who doesn't have vision for their life. They won't benefit anyone else on the team and their negativity will drag us all down when our goal is to be on the way up.
I've learned that as a representative for the company, you are literally in charge of hiring and firing. Michelle Pippin at Women Who taught me that when we are designing our goals and vision, we also need to be just as specific in defining the type of person we want on our team.
Whether you're interested in taking a look at this opportunity or have signed up for another MLM or direct sales company, I hope you'll follow my blog. I intend to keep posting helpful advice and resources for anyone who has vision.
If you haven't visited the site or didn't spend much time there, I encourage you to make a few visits and take your time looking around. Think about it for a few days or weeks if you need to. If you've tried before and failed, compare it to your past experience. If you have the vision I'm looking for, I want to welcome you as a member of my team. Even if you've "failed" before, you owe yourself another chance. This just might be the right business for you. Click on the link below to start your business.
The Success Principles(TM) CD:
How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

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