Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Twitter Hires Ex-Google Designer

According to this blog article, Twitter has "replaced Facebook as the tech industry's hottest startup."

It’s Official: Twitter Hires Ex-Google Designer Douglas Bowman
By Spencer Ante

Turns out the Web rumors were true for once. In a meeting last Friday afternoon in Twitter’s San Francisco office, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone told me that the company had hired ex-Google Visual Design Lead Douglas Bowman to be the company’s new creative director. Bowman will replace Stone, who was acting as Twitter’s creative director. “The Twitter Web page looks pretty simple,” says Stone. “But from our perspective the design needs a lot of work.”

This is a great hire for Twitter, and more proof that Twitter has replaced Facebook as the tech industry’s hottest startup. Bowman probably could have joined Facebook if he wanted. But the talented designer, who used to work at Wired News, clearly sees a bigger opportunity at Twitter, not only from a design perspective but perhaps from a monetary one as well. Read the Full Article at Creative Capital

I also wanted to share a great blog that I ran across yesterday:

Christian Personal Finance - How I Make A Living From My Blog

The author, "Bob" (I can't find a last name anywhere on the site) has written a comprehensive, step by step instruction manual for making money from your blog. He learned through experience and mistakes and has been generous enough to share this information with the rest of us at no cost. Stop by and give him a few clicks on his Adsense ads to let him know how much we appreciate it.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Business Coaching - Juggling Goals vs. Juggling Tasks

I just ran across this great blog article by Russell Bishop of the Huffington Post and wanted to share:

Of course you have multiple things to do. That's a good thing. In fact, if you didn't have multiple things to do you might be coming near the end of an active life. Even if you've lost your job, and I know what that one's like, you still have multiple things to do.

More accurately stated, you have multiple goals you are seeking to accomplish, each of which requires multiple tasks in order to complete.

Can you hold multiple goals at the same time? Of course you can.

Can you work on multiple goals at the same time? Of course you can.

Can you work on multiple tasks at the same time? Well, that's another story.

Read the full article here:

How Multi-Goaling Beats Multi-Tasking Every Time

Have you tried Pyrabang yet? I've been using it for a little over a week and I'm impressed that it lives up to its claims. I'm still registered as a free basic member and am seeing a significant increase in my traffic. For only $5.95 per month, Gold members receive even more benefits.

Register Now

Great New Places To Market Your Handmade Goods


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Obama's Plans To Help Small Business

Just a quick Saturday post - looks like some very positive changes are on the horizon, even if they will take some time. I especially like the fact that small businesses will be able to count losses back for the past five years instead of two, since it generally takes at least five years to become stable.

Obama Vows To Help Small Businesses

Advertise, Promote and Market Your Business or Website With Little Or No Money



Miracle Shed - A Brand New "Green" Income Opportunity

I ran across the Miracle Shed website this evening while surfing the traffic exchanges. It immediately caught my attention as a possibility to earn money online as an affiliate and because of the current popularity of "green" products.

The product itself looks great. Miracle Shed is fully customizable, solar powered and the company offers a money-back guarantee. They offer several ways to earn money:

  • Earn online either as a free affiliate or as part of a 100 Group.
  • Become a Miracle Shed Builder and create employment in your own community

  • For an explanation of the "100 Group" and commission structure, go to the Referral Plan page of their website.

    Of course, you can purchase a Miracle Shed, too. Click on the banner to open your free account:

    Free Press Lives!

    , ,,,,,

    Friday, March 27, 2009

    Popular Houseplant Kills Puppy

    Deviating from the niche already....but this is important. I've known about plants that can be poisonous to cats for a long time, but I wasn't aware of the danger of the Sago Palm to dogs:

    It’s hard to believe a houseplant could harm a tough cookie like the Woytek family’s Lab mix, Amber. A survivor of Hurricane Ike, the young pup was diagnosed with distemper in the months after her adoption from the Houston SPCA in September 2008. But according to Laurie Woytek, Amber defeated the often fatal virus—and went on to form a tight bond with her canine “sister” and partner-in-crime, Scout, a one-year-old Rhodesian ridgeback mix. Full Story

    The danger to cats is a bit more obvious, I think. If you've ever been owned by a cat, you know that they fawn over some houseplants and say, "Yum, salad!" Dogs do eat grass and such outdoors but I've never had one give a second look at a houseplant.

    With summer coming soon - we've already had a few 80 degree days here in OK - it wouldn't hurt to remember to provide water and shelter, and keep them away from antifreeze. I recently heard that there is an effort to add a chemical to make the taste less appealing but in the meantime, please protect the wonderful creatures who are so dependent on us.

    We now take you back to the Niche-Mash ~

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    Get paid to promote your news, music, blogs, whatever.....



    Thursday, March 26, 2009

    Niche-Mash - A Mish Mash

    Another year, another blog. I'm told that in blogging I need a niche so this one is to keep the internet marketing separate from the art and jewelry and the psychic stuff in my other blogs. And I'm a lousy website designer and I'm better off with a blog anyway.

    I've been missing in action for a while, long story, but Spring Solstice, Ostara and the New Moon in Aries have all supported a huge change and rebirth in my spirit and in my life.

    I doubt that there's anyone who can not identify with the financial fear and insecurity we have all felt this past year. For me, it began a year or two before that but I attributed it to my husband's passing. Even though I knew there are a lot of scams out there, I became interested in internet marketing. I spent way too much time investigating the possibilities and signing up for way too many things. A few months ago, I found a sensible and workable method for making some extra money and I've made it my primary focus. It proved itself to me when I had to go offline due to lack of funds and returned to find that I'd made a little change and picked up a few referrals without even being here.

    Marketing Pond consists of a number of programs that are all free to join. The majority are paid to click or paid to read sites, sites that pay you to complete offers and social networking sites that offer revenue sharing. There is money to be made at the free membership level and even more if you are able to pay nominal upgrade fees. The rest of the programs consist of a multitude of ways to advertise your programs and gain referrals for free.

    You can promote the programs individually, or all of them at once by promoting Marketing Pond's site with just one link. Once you get the hang of it, you can get away with investing just a few hours per week. If you keep at it, the momentum builds and you begin steadily making money. It really is possible to earn from $500 to $1,000 each month from free programs.

    I hate long posts, so that's all I'll say for now. Click here to visit the site. Take a look at the most recent news snippets. You'll find that Marketing Pond is now two years old and still going strong. Over 49,000 members have joined in those two years. Not all are active but that's still impressive.

    This is great for stay at home moms or anyone who faces obstacles to working outside the home. It's also a great way to learn a lot about marketing and advertising.

    I'll be discussing the individual programs and passing on what I've learned and am still learning. A few news stories and rants and raves will be sprinkled in here and there for a bit of variety.

    Be well, and thanks for reading.
