One of the biggest challenges in network or multi-level marketing is recruiting a downline that is willing and motivated to work. Of course, the sponsor must take responsibility for training and supporting their team members and that will be discussed in a later blog. The Law of Attraction, positive thinking and just plain goal setting all have the result of bringing us what we want when we have a clear vision of exactly what that is.
These are the qualities I am looking for in my team members:
- A vision for your life. Are you willing to do more to be more and have more?
- A positive outlook. Do you see life as an adventure and experiences as lessons to be learned?
- Resilience. Can you bounce back after disappointment? Can you see past mistakes or failures as the things that have made you who you are today?
- Persistence. Are you willing to work for little or no pay for a while toward having a big payoff someday?
- Commitment. Nearly 80% of new distributors in network marketing quit in their first two months. Can you make a commitment to yourself to keep going no matter what, or do you quit when you don't see results fast enough to suit you? (Also known as patience and persistence).
- Team Player. Do you have to do it your way, or are you willing to listen and share tips and resources for success of the team as a whole?
- Self-discipline. Can you focus on what needs to be done to be successful and then do it?
- "Follow-up and Follow-through" Can you nurture your business to help it grow? Do you have the integrity to do what you say you're going to do, both to yourself and others?
- Ownership. Are you willing to take 100% responsibility for your own success?
- A Caring Ethic. Do you genuinely want to help people achieve their dreams?
- An Attitude of Gratitude. Can you see opportunities as a gift from your spiritual source?
You can’t legislate intelligence and common sense into people. You can’t broaden a man’s vision if he wasn’t born with one. ~ Will Rogers
This is not a get rich quick scheme. This isn't Ralph Kramden, Inc.; some flighty, hare-brained scheme. There's a huge market for these innovative products and it's growing every day. In 1962, research statistics showed that the percentage of obesity in America’s population was at 13%. By 1980 it has risen to 15% -- by 1994 to 23% -- and by the year 2000 the obesity progression in America had reached an unprecedented 31% Source: American Sports Data, Inc.. I just saw a full page ad for a bariatric surgery (gastric bypass, lap band) clinic in this Sunday's newspaper. This opportunity is a real business that requires ownership and work. If you want to sit at the computer posting affiliate links and surfing traffic exchanges all day, this is not for you.
As I've mentioned in other posts, this is not my first time at the rodeo. I'm grateful for what I've learned from my past failures and for what those experiences bring to this table. I've never felt like I was "taken." I take responsibility for my part in my lack of success. I'm grateful to be given the opportunity to learn from the best, people with a proven track record of success. I'm committed to giving this at one year to eighteen months before measuring my success and to run my business as if it was my only source of income.
Compared to my past ventures, this company could not have made it any easier to succeed. Take a look at your past accomplishments before answering the above questions. You'll probably find that you do have at least some of those qualities. If you do and are willing to improve the ones that are lacking, start your business.
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