Thursday, April 2, 2009

$15,000 Awarded In Dog Shooting In Oklahoma

My state finally does something right. Oklahoma is a leader in all the wrong things:

  • Divorce
  • Obesity
  • Women In Prison
  • Lung and Breast Cancer
  • Teenage Pregnancy
  • Juvenile Delinquency
  • Mental Illness
  • Domestic Violence

  • So I'm surprised that law enforcement was actually forced to face consequences. The fact that it was caught on tape helped:

    Dog Shooting Warrants Payout In Oklahoma

    My own dog became skittish overnight and I'm reasonably certain that a utilities or cable worker did something to her when they came into the yard. My feeling on that is that if you are afraid of dogs, come back when the owner is home. I confronted all of them and didn't get an admission of guilt and I still haven't been able to reassure my dog. She gets her hackles up for men and people in uniform and she was not that way before. She's very intuitive. She is calmer around women but she never did like a former female co-worker who ended up stabbing me in the back.

    Update on the Conicker worm: I heard on the news this morning that its activity was expected to get worse today but still hasn't. I still wish I understood what fun there is in causing panic and sending spam........

    And we can't get enough of Octomom:

    Car Seat Thrown Through Window of Octomom's Van

    Every time I think that the horse is dead, something else pops up. I do suppose that we need to hear about hate crimes and vandalism. If the girl wasn't unstable to begin with she doesn't have far to go. Apparently there's talk of a reality show as well:

    Octomom Interested In Reality Show

    As a social worker and artist, I'm personally acquainted with many people who deserve fame, recognition and money. It's a shame that I didn't know that I could have achieved my financial goals by becoming inseminated with octuplets while collecting disability instead of earning my Master's degree while raising my three sons as a single mom and getting off welfare - and making no more money than I did before I went back to school. I forgot to put on the list that Oklahoma's state employee salaries are fourth from the bottom nationwide.

    If I was asked how I would change the world these days, I might have to say that everyone would get paid for acting stupid and being dysfunctional. Child welfare would have taken over any other case. In Nadya's case, she is being given enough money to hire professionals to raise her children. What's wrong with that picture? Or maybe something's right with it - my state is also being sued over abuse in foster homes and its crappy child welfare system. All I can say about that is that it's about time - the system that does more harm than good is the main reason I resigned.

    Our society has become so obsessed with celebrity and gossip that people who should have known better put their own jobs at risk:

    Kaiser Permanente Fires 15 Over Octomom Privacy

    Have a great day and don't forget to play with your dog. Playing with the kids would be good, too.



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